vegetable dye
The dyed materials, until the 19th century, were all made from natural colors. Natural colors are mainly made from plants, minerals, insects, but plants were the main material because they are more productive.
This brand only uses plants and does not use insects: for example, scale insects (Dactylopius coccus Costa).
Today this practice is no longer prevalent, it is rare to see a finished product dyed from plants.
In the world of color, there are three types of dyes:
- Naturals:
extracts from natural elements (mineral, vegetable, animal).
- Synthetics:
artificially reproduce the already existing natural dye.
- Artificial:
which do not exist in nature and which have been chemically created by man.
This situation differs from the coexistence of natural and synthetic or chemical products in other areas, such as textiles, jewelry, leather, fertilizers, etc.
It can be said that synthetic and chemical dyes have completely eradicated natural dyes. For example, in the jewelry industry, natural and synthetic diamonds coexist. Natural diamonds are valuable because they are natural, and rarer, and their existence matters.
Is the natural dye appreciated by the industry for its natural charm? To be honest, chemical dyes or synthetic dyes have driven out natural dyes.
Benefits of vegetable dye
Ethical product
- Ecological and responsible manufacturing and consumption
- Less environmental impact
- Use of local plants and revitalization of ecosystems
- Reduction of CO2 emissions
- Antibacterial properties
- UV protection
- Well-being, no risk of allergy to chemicals
- According to Chinese medicine: plants historically used in tinctures promote blood circulation, reduce sensitivity to cold
unique fragrance
- The design can stimulate the senses - Prevent insects
- Relaxation effect
- Enjoy colors and aromas